This is what I've been working on. Cards for men....never easy for me. This week 3 men had birthdays....I started by making a card for my brother. I liked it and decided to make 2 more.

The boys didn't know one another, although if their wives read this....I'll be busted! So, I thought, let's save time by creating three, almost identical cards. The cards had been on my desk for a few days, and I didn't want to post them until after my brother and my neighbor's birthday. Long story short (well sort of), this is what was on my
Work Desk Wednesday.
While checking out cards made by my
cyber friends, I noticed that
Di, also posted a masculine card. Interestingly....she too struggles with those pesky boy/man cards. Check out her card, actually if you read her blog you will see that she REALLY got ambitious. Great job Di!
I'm beginning to panic about being ready for our trip. Trying to get everything organized, making sure the pet sitter is well informed, the book I'm writing should keep her busy until we return. Seems my dogs have many strange eating, sleeping and playing habits that I feel a need to share with her. Then there's the care and feeding of the stray cats, the lawn, and on and on. It would be much easier if I just flew by the seat of my pants, but when you're an over-organizer, life is not easy! Well off I should be going. I need to write a manual on how to turn on the darn TV....what ever happened to the good ole days, when all you did was turn a knob?
Have a great week, I may or may not post until after the holidays, depends on how the manual writing goes :-) I'll try to post a few photos while I'm away.....
Chat later....Hugs to all,